
We Engage • We Elevate • We Empower

Dedicated to advocating for Women in the PA Profession


Women PAs are Valuable & Powerful

PAs for Women Empowerment is a non-profit organization focused on advocating for women in the PA Profession and promoting the rise of women in healthcare and leadership. Our objective is to advance the PA profession with a specific focus on advocating for PA Women. It is observed that women are under-represented in leadership positions and some career pathways, leading to inequality.

We will uplift, support, and empower women in the PA profession to have visibility within their organizations and opportunities for advancement. 

We are committed to sponsor, mentor and cultivate the next generation of pace setters by empowering women to become leaders and become strong voices within the PA profession.

Through mentorship, community, education and resources, we will support PAs at every stage of their careers, so they can improve the health outcomes of their patients.

Membership Benefits

Continuing Medical Education


Know Your Rights!

The PUMP Act
Wage Transparency
Pregnant Workers
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act


We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women and take the lead.