American Heart Association: AED Initiatives
PAs for Women Empowerment and the Academy of PAs in Cardiology are proud to join efforts with the American Heart Association for heart health advocacy. At 2024 House of Delegates meeting, PAs for WE successfully led the adoption of a new policy at the American Association of PAs. AAPA now stands by placing an AED in every school, establishing an emergency action plan, and quality CPR instruction to high school seniors.

Share your story

If you’ve seen or used CPR or an AED in action, email PAs for Women Empowerment at to help raise awareness and inspire others to learn these life-saving skills. We will be sharing these first hand accounts directly with the American Heart Association, and in turn, state lawmakers. We are encouraging bipartisan Congressional support of H.R.2370 Access to AEDs Act.

Call for change

Nearly 40% of all out of hospital cardiac arrests occur within 300m of a school. 20,000 American children under the age of 18 suffer cardiac arrest every year. You are not powerless! Send a template email to your state lawmakers.

Help us Donate an AED

PAs for WE would love to collect the funds to sponsor an AED for a youth athletic organization or school. Click on the image above to donate towards this cause. Accessible AEDs and CPR training save lives. Survival chances decrease by 10% for every minute that CPR and use of an AED is delayed. But there is good news! Thanks to our collective efforts, survival rates for out of hospital cardiac arrests have DOUBLED in the past twenty five years.

Here are 10 other facts you need to know about women and cardiovascular disease:

- Cardiovascular disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined and yet only 44% of women recognize that cardiovascular disease is their greatest health threat.
- Among females 20 years and older, nearly 45% are living with some form of cardiovascular disease and less than 50% of women entering pregnancy in the United States have good heart health.
- Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of new moms and accounts for over on-third of maternal deaths. Black women have some of the highest maternal mortality rates.
- Overall, 10% to 20% of women will have a health issue during pregnancy, and high blood pressure, preeclampsia and gestational diabetes during pregnancy greatly increase a women’s risk for developing cardiovascular disease later in life.
- Going through menopause does not cause cardiovascular disease, but the approach of menopause marks a point in midlife when women’s cardiovascular risk factors can accelerate, making increased focus on health during this pivotal life stage is crucial.
- Most cardiac and stroke events can be prevented through education and lifestyle changes, such as moving more, eating smart and managing blood pressure.
- 51.9% of high blood pressure deaths, otherwise known as hypertension or the “silent killer,” are in women, and out of all women, 57.6% of Black females have hypertension — more than any other race or ethnicity.
- While there are an estimated 4.1 million female stroke survivors living today, approximately 57.5% of total stroke deaths are in women.
- Women are often less likely to receive bystander CPR because rescuers often fear accusations of inappropriate touching, sexual assault or injuring the victim.
- Women continue to be underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields, as well as in research. In fact, women occupy nearly half of all U.S. jobs (48%), but only 27% of jobs in STEM fields. Furthermore, only 38% of participants in clinical cardiovascular trials are women.