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Executive Board Requirements

  • Must be a Fellow Member of PAs for Women Empowerment
  • Must be a current member of AAPA
  • Candidate must demonstrate at least 2 years of active involvement in AAPA, state or local organization and PAs for Women Empowerment by serving on any of the former organiation’s
    • Board
    • Committee
    • Task Force
    • Work Group
    • HOD
  • All positions require current membership by July 1 of the term year, or the position must be vacated.

Student Director Requirements

  • Student Directors must be student members of PAs for Women Empowerment and AAPA at the time of the election.
  • All positions require current membership by July 1 of the term year, or the position must be vacated.

HOD Delegate Requirements

  • Must be a fellow member of PAs for Women Empowerment
  • Must be a current member of AAPA
  • The delegates shall be responsible for representing PAs for Women Empowerment at the AAPA HOD.
  • Delegates are voted in by PAWE members.
  • Seating order, including chief delegate, are determined by number of votes received.  In the event of a tie, order is determined alphabetically by last name.
  • Delegates are credentialed by the AAPA House of Delegates

Position Descriptions

This is a 3-year commitment. The President-Elect will serve as President-Elect the first year, President the second year, and Immediate Past President the third year.

Duties (from Bylaws):

  • In the temporary absence of the President and Vice-President, or in the event of their inability or refusal to act, the President-Elect shall perform all the duties of the President and, when so acting, shall have all the powers of, and be subject to, all the restrictions on the President;
    • In addition, the President-Elect may have other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the articles of incorporation, the PAWE bylaws, or the BOD.

The president shall oversee the following:

  • Shall oversee the affairs of the organization and activities of the board of directors.
  • They shall perform all duties incident to the office and such other duties as may be required by law, the articles of incorporation, these bylaws, or that may be prescribed by the board of directors. Unless another person is specifically appointed as chairperson of the board of directors, the president shall preside at all general membership and board of directors meetings.
  • Shall make a full report of the year’s activities at the annual membership meeting of the organization. —He or she shall coordinate agendas for future meetings, preside at meetings, and facilitate discussion. Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, by the articles of incorporation, or by these bylaws, the President shall, in the name of the organization, execute contracts and other instruments of business that may from time to time be authorized by the board of directors.
  • Create monthly communication to BOD and individual check ins for progress updates and see what support needs there are
  • Create AAPA PAWE volunteer info sheets and print/pdf for emailing
  • Create welcome letters/postcards, print, order envelopes, stamps and send to secretary to be able to mail once a month to new members
  • Support the secretary in collecting summaries of quarterly happenings from each committee for newsletter
  • Plan PAWE informational booth giveaways, merchandise and promotional items
  • Communicate regularly with Executive Director (or designee) on overall business needs of the organization

  • In the absence of the president, or in the event of their inability or refusal to act, the vice president shall perform all the duties of the president and, when so acting, shall have all the powers of, and be subject to, all the restrictions on the president. In addition, the vice president may have other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law, the articles of incorporation, these bylaws, or the board of directors.
  • VP will sit on a committee and oversee it.

This is a 2-year commitment, filled in even-numbered years.

  • Responsible for keeping and disseminating meeting minutes as requested
  • Working with Executive Director (or designee) to keep a calendar of events and to send a quarterly meeting reminder 1-2 weeks prior
  • Responsible for mailing a welcome letter to each new member received in batches and to be done no less than once per month
  • Compile/edit and email an agenda for quarterly meetings with reminder as above
  • Send emails or communications as requested by executive board

This is a 2-year commitment, filled in odd-numbered years.

The treasurer shall:

  • Responsible for keeping banking records, checks and balances
  • Cutting checks for PAWE financial needs as approved by BOD through our expense/spending channels
  • Present at quarterly meetings to give an update on financials, showing spreadsheet of account balance, money in and out for that quarter and any projections of known outgoing or incoming funds

  • This committee works to develop, implement and maintain national public relations and programs to increase awareness of our organization and our mission both to the general public and other legislative and medical professions and maintain all social media.
    • Develop a social media strategy (Facebook page/ group, Instagram, Linkedin)
      • Each committee member can be divided to manage each page or group.
    • Creation of Quarterly newsletter
    • 1 social media post per week on public facing page (can come from committee updates)
    • 1 story/reel per week
    • 1 social media post per week on membership Facebook page
    • Need to vet our membership requests into the private Facebook group
    • Making sure to share the quarterly newsletter on channels

  • Biannual national, community outreach initiatives to give back to the communities of our members ie. Sunscreen giveaway with education on sun protection, possibly seeking out grants or partnerships to make these happen (obviously this is a basic example) open to any suggestions!  Also love the idea of a regional can drive, in person and/or virtual. Then have a drop off day with photo coverage and food kitchen/meal service. Prize to region with most collected
  • Quarterly educational outreach to be dispersed on our social media outlets, open to discuss any topics at meetings

  • Actively seeking out or working on proposals to legislature/supporting bills on our behalf.
  • Ideally once a quarter would have an action item for our membership to participate in, ie. Sending letters to congress-person or local legislators etc.
  • Work with HOD delegate around the time of AAPA to help with resolutions and info in legislature that supports them

  • Quarterly giveaway for new membership referrals and new members, one entry per referral without maximum entries
  • Expected to attend AAPA, or appoint a member on your committee to do this on your behalf if unable to attend, to man the informational booth for PAWE to grow membership and giveaway merchandise swag.
  • Manage the schedule of volunteers for the PAWE booth at town hall for AAPA and collect contact information

  • We need to be offering at least one live CME webinar per quarter, possibly for a fee, unless we can get volunteers to offer their time and expertise to our organization of CME
  • We need to be adding at least 3 recorded CME webinars to our free CME library per quarter to continue to offer our members this benefit
  • Most of CME Chair time will be devoted to seeking out, securing and getting CME approved and then the information over to Executive Director (or designee) for publication on the website


  • Student Directors must be student members of PAs for Women Empowerment and AAPA at the time of the election.
  • All positions require current membership by July 1 of the term year, or the position must be vacated


In addition to duties as a BOD member, the student director works as a liaison between the BOD,  student members of the organization, and PA Programs.  They support student activities and encourage professional involvement.


  • Must be a fellow member of PAs for Women Empowerment
  • Must be a current member of AAPA
  • The delegates shall be responsible for representing PAs for Women Empowerment at the AAPA HOD
  • Delegates are voted in by PAWE members
  • Seating order, including chief delegate, are determined by number of votes received.  In the event of a tie, order is determined alphabetically by last name.
  • Delegates are credentialed by the AAPA House of Delegates


  • Responsible for reviewing resolutions being put forward for AAPA HOD consideration
  • Summarizing resolutions in preparation for a town hall presentation to our membership to consider the overall feedback on how our membership would like us to vote in regards to representing our membership at HOD
  • Hosting HOD Town Hall along with alternate delegate and/or president prior to AAPA (all of the above is only provided this is not frowned upon by HOD)
  • Attend AAPA HOD and perform all duties as chief delegate as set forth by AAPA